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trauma self-help
These self-help resources are available to help people who have experienced a trauma and who continue to experience symptoms after this frightening event. These symptoms may include avoidance, nightmares, difficulty concentrating and intrusive thoughts and images. Our experienced clinicians have prepared the resources below - to help you work towards a better you for a brighter tomorrow.
If you have a G.P in South Glasgow you may benefit from attending our 'Trauma - Light Bulb' virtual course. This course offers you: a warm welcome space to listen and learn; a chance to connect with others and the opportunity to understand potential paths for recovery.
If you would like to know more about the course or would like to book a place on this please contact us on 0141 232 2555.
There's no one-size-fits-all approach to self-care but learning to incorporate the strategies below can help to promote your physical, mental, and emotional health.
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